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Fool for Love
by Sam Shepard

Cast Whit Hertford, Victoria Ratermanis, Joel Stanley Huff,

Whit Hertford and Victoria Ratermanis
Assistant Director Lindsey Naves

The Mojave desert.

A beat-up motel.

Eddie and May, stuck in an existence of deep impulses - a history -  that keeps vibrating even when they’re apart.

Attraction and repulsion. Binding forces. A need to leave and a fear of loss. The wandering, dusty search to find what we lack and the hope that it's fulfilled by who you find. 

I hate endings. Just detest them. Beginnings are definitely the most exciting, middles are perplexing and endings are a disaster.

further SEASON 2022 info /// visit Riot Act on Instagram @riotacttheatre + Facebook /riotacttheatre

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