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Bad Person
[A Disquisition on the Stench of Masculin Fear]
a play by Whit Flint
adapted from Chekhov's Platonov
Cast Victoria Ratermanis, John Ross Bowie, Austin Archer,
Andy Rindlisbach, Robyn Cohen, Ali Kinkade, Dominique Razón
Direction Whit Flint
Movement Direction Polina Ionina
Assistant Director Lindsey Naves
The Right to Be a
During the turmoil of the Russian Revolution in 1917, Maria Chekhov, placed many of her late brother’s manuscripts and
papers in a safety deposit box in Moscow.
In 1921 Soviet scholars opened the box, and discovered a play.
The play they found - written by an 18 year old - had no title,
too many characters, too many themes.
An unfinished, beautiful disaster. Just like life.
A surprise party.
An unremarkable place.
Everyone is bored. Everyone wants to sleep with everyone else.
Successful, beautiful, admired, Nova Platypus is invited.
She just happens to be the worst human you know.
Anton Chekhov's first and impossibly unproducable play radically reimagined by artistic director Whit Hertford.
premiered at Studio / Stage in Los Angeles on 10 March 2022
further SEASON 2023 info /// visit Riot Act on Instagram @riotacttheatre + Facebook /riotacttheatre

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